Restore Your Smile With Dental Implants

Want to know what makes dental implants a great option to replace missing teeth?

Losing a tooth was a rite of passage as a kid, but as an adult, losing a tooth can be a source of panic and stress. Don’t freak out! Dr. Whitson, offers a wide range of restorations including dental implants, which function and feel just like a real tooth.

What is a dental implant?

An implant is the most realistic restoration you can get for replacing a missing tooth. The implant is a small metal screw or post that acts just like tooth roots, providing the jawbone with the stimulation it needs to continue to produce healthy new cells. The implant is placed into the jawbone during surgery so that the metal post and the bone and tissue can fuse together to become one. Then a dental crown is attached to fill in the gap.

Why should I consider getting implants?

There are many benefits to getting dental implants from Concord Dental Group. No other tooth replacement can match what implants can offer since they are the closest thing you’ll get to a real tooth.
Implants will preserve your jawbone and prevent changes to the overall structure of your face. Implants will give you a full smile again and prevent teeth from shifting into that open gap left behind by your missing tooth.

Who is a good candidate for treatment?

Most healthy individuals looking to replace one or more missing teeth will end up being ideal candidates for dental implants. We will need to examine your teeth and gums and run x-rays to make sure that your jawbone is healthy enough to support this metal restoration. Once we have thoroughly evaluated your oral health and talked to you about your treatment goals, we will decide whether implants are best suited to your smile and needs.

How long do implants last?

The great news about implants is that they are incredibly durable, so they can actually last the rest of your life. While other tooth replacement options may only last about 10 years or so before needing to be replaced, implants are durable enough to last a lifetime. Of course, you’ll need to maintain good oral hygiene if you want to keep your restoration looking and feeling its best.

We know that tooth loss was never something that you wanted to deal with, but if you do face this dental issue, it’s important to know that our dental team is here to fix it. Call Concord Dental Group today at (314) 842-2038 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Whitson, to find out if you’re an ideal candidate for dental implants.

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